Without Words... moving against the sex trade.
I am very excited to share this post with you. I have been blessed with an amazing team of individuals that make up Imagen Photography. We are all in our 20's, we are all very passionate about photography and videography, and what I think is the coolest thing we have in common is that we all share a like-mindedness about using our art forms for some greater good than our own success! Recently 2 of our team members, Mark and Stephen, took a trip to Thailand (more on this will be posted soon). While in Thailand one of the things they worked on was a project called Without Words. I am completely inspired by the work these guys have done there and I want to share some of their work on my blog.
If you had enough time to look at my blog, you should totally have enough time to watch their 5 minute video about their Without Words Project. Check it out... I am not asking you to give money, but at least take a look at what their doing and if you feel in any way inspired or touched by the work they are doing, pass it on. Share this link with your friends, facebook, whatever. Simply sharing a link could result in a huge impact on someones life.
Click here to check it out! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/7174402/without-wordsmoving-against-the-sex-trade
Next month, Jason(videographer) and myself (Nathan) will be traveling to El Salvador to work with an orphanage there. We will be shooting photos and video to help raise awareness there. I will be sure to share photos and video from our trip! This kind of work is ultimately why we do what we do! Don't get me wrong, I love photographing weddings and portraits, and I love our clients, but this is where my heart really is. I can't thank our clients enough, because without all of you we wouldn't be able to go do this kind of work!
It is my hope and my desire that you, our clients, realize that YOU have enabled Stephen, Mark, Jason and myself to do this work! My dream is that our future clients will not only be investing into great wedding photography and videography, but also into the lives of people in great need here in the U.S. and all over the world!
I really believe our small team has the potential of making a huge impact on this world! And I hope that every one of our clients, past, present, and future will share in the excitement of the amazing things that are going to come out of these projects.
I have found nothing more rewarding in life than to be a part of something much bigger than myself. I hope you share in that reward!