Best Wedding Photographer in Cleveland-Fox 8 Hotlist
Thanks to the many friends, clients, and family members who voted, Imagen Photography was nominated the Best Wedding Photographers in Cleveland! Marisa and I are so blessed to have won this after only our second year in business! We are so thankful for our every one of our amazing clients! Without you guys we are nothing! We are also extremely grateful for our awesome team members! You guys know who you are, Stephen, Mike O., Jason, Mark, Clifford, Micah, and Mike H.! We love you guys and it is an absolute privilege and honor to have you guys on our team! I know I speak for our entire team of photographers and videographers when I say we look forward to serving our clients even better in 2010! This was a great year for Imagen and we are so thankful for everything we have learned and accomplished! Also this year Marisa and I have found an awesome group of friends in our Taco Tuesday group! As a young studio we have a lot to learn from some of the longer established photographers in Northeast Ohio. It's unbelievable the kind of support we get from what some would view as our direct competitors! Whether I have questions about equipment or software, or just want to hang out and shoot the breeze till 2:30 am on a Tuesday night these guys have been there for me. And guys, it really means a lot to me. You all know who you are.
Thanks again to all of our voters! To see the other finalists click below.